Barbara Ottis, Immunization, Tuberculosis & International Health, Minnesota Department of Health, 717 Delaware St SE, PO Box 9441, Minneapolis, MN, USA
All providers enrolled in the Minnesota Vaccines for Children Program are required to submit updated Provider Profile data annually. These data are entered into VACMAN and used to monitor vaccine distribution.
To ensure that Provider Profile data are accurate.
A system for comparing annually submitted Provider Profile data to vaccine distribution history was developed using Excel. A spreadsheet was created that includes vaccine distribution data from the previous 12 months for all providers and formulas predicting expected vaccine needs. Provider Profile data are entered into the spreadsheet and the amount of vaccine the provider ordered during the 12-month period is compared to expected need. When the Provider Profile data are inconsistent compared to the amount of vaccine ordered (i.e., less vaccine ordered than expected, or more vaccine ordered than expected), the data are examined in greater detail. The second step includes comparing 2 years of Provider Profile data to 24 months of vaccine distribution. If the data appears within range for the 2-year period, the Provider Profile information is accepted and entered into VACMAN. If the 24-month assessment indicates that the data continue to be inconsistent, the provider is contacted. VFC program guidelines are reviewed, data derivation systems are discussed, and a site visit is scheduled if indicated.
All Provider Profile data are evaluated for accuracy prior to being entered in VACMAN. Providers with data that appear to be inaccurate are given additional guidance to facilitate compliance with program guidelines and to improve reporting.
Using a system of Excel spreadsheets to evaluate Provider Profile data is an efficient way to ensure accuracy of Provider Profile data.
Identify methods to evaluate the accuracy of Provider Profile data.