Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 2:45 PM

Adults Need Shots Too

Savita Kumar, Barbara O'Malley, Connie Craythorne, Khalia Hill, and Joan Bartleman. Palm Beach County Health Dept, 1050 West 15th street, Riviera Beach, FL, USA

Influenza and pneumococcal vaccine coverage in Palm Beach County is below Healthy People 2010 goals for the United States. Among minority groups coverage is even lower. High numbers of suspect cases of hepatitis C are reported to the Division of Epidemiology and Disease Control at the Palm Beach County Health Department. Most insurance companies do not cover immunizations for adults 18 to 64 years old.

Establish an Adult Immunization Program to vaccinate hard-to-reach adults. Build a partnership with other community agencies to achieve the goal of better coverage for influenza, pneumococcal, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and other vaccines.

An Adult Immunization Coalition focused on establishing an Adult Immunization Program for the county with coordination among various agencies. Outreach sites were selected at various ethnic grocery stores, rehabilitation centers, and homeless centers. A grant was funded by various local agencies for a project where paramedics and the health department provided flu and pneumococcal vaccinations to high-risk individuals. A survey of local physicians and coalition members was done at the end of flu season.

During the 2002 flu season 2022 people were vaccinated at 41 outreaches. Half of these individuals had no insurance, 25% were black and 25% Hispanic. The leading health problems among this group were high blood pressure, diabetes, and drug and alcohol abuse. The survey of physicians and coalition members indicated that efforts of the coalition helped during flu season.

The coalition was started when there was a shortage of flu vaccine. Community was distressed with the availability of the vaccine. A program can work when community partners come together with a common goal.

Each agency was doing its own program before the formation of coalition. After the coordinated effort by various agencies everyone was a winner.