Kathleen Worthing Gustafson1, Harrison Bolter
1, Carol Quinn
1, and Jennifer Wieder-Gamez
2. (1) Immunization Program, County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, Immunization Program (P511B), P.O. Box 85222, San Diego, CA, USA, (2) San Diego Immunization Partnership, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0927, La Jolla, CA, USA
At the request and with the collaboration of the San Diego Immunization Initiative (I-3) Coalition, the Immunization Program developed a local immunization information website, www.immunization-sd.org. With the goal of providing timely and reliable information and resources on immunization issues to a local audience, the website went online in January 2002, with Spanish language sections appearing in 2003. Designed and implemented as a low-budget intervention, the website functions under the aegis of the community coalition.
Describe the process of developing, maintaining and keeping a community-responsive immunization education website up-to-date. Present data on website use.
www.immunization-sd.org operates on a commercial host, and the services provided include usage statistics. The site is divided into five sections: Parents and Community; School Staff; Child Care Providers; Health Care Providers; and San Diego Immunization Registry. Both the Parents and Community and Child Care sections can be accessed in Spanish. The Registry section provides password-secured access to the local immunization registry. Immunization Program staff members are assigned responsibility for keeping specific sections of the website current, and community partners also monitor the site for accuracy and timeliness.
The website averages 1300 hits per day. Daily tallies and data on sources of hits allow the immunization program to track specific educational interventions and to determine what areas are of interest to consumers. Availability of the site allows quick posting of information directed to the public, or to specific audiences.
The website has allowed better communication of immunization information and resources to the local community, and provided an economical venue for making materials and messages accessible to partner organizations.
Describe the issues involved in developing a website with community participation. Discuss the process of keeping a website up-to-date without direct cost to the program.
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