Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 2:30 PM

Revised California Immunization Skills Institute-Immunization Techniques for Medical Assistants

Sandra Jo Hammer1, Sally Shaw2, and Diane Malley2. (1) Department of Health Services, Immunization Branch, State of California, 2151 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA, USA, (2) Immunization Program, Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services, 9719 Lincoln Village, Suite 605 B, Sacramento, CA, USA

Medical assistants are responsible for the in office and clinic administration of most vaccines in California. They are unlicensed and their training on injection technique is varied and information about vaccines specifically is very limited. They are however often relied upon in practice settings to store, handle and administer vaccines.

The program is designed to review major immunization techniques one-on-one with each participant.

Workshop will be didactic presentation, using powerpoint slides and slides for ISI

The program has been very well accepted and is highly desired in counties. It has resulted better and closer working relationships of the MA's with the county and the practices have been influenced by the refinement of techniques. The need remains overwhelming and classes are always filled. The course was revised in 2003 to redo the slides and revise redundant script. The course is now smoother with less confusion.

The ISI has been very successful and is meeeting a significant need. The problem is the need is so large that the program can reach only a few of the intended audience.

Descibe the California Immunization Skills Institute (ISI)
List the program goals
Review 2003 refinements and revisions to the program
Describe the Instructor application and education