Richard Bradley, AZ Department of Health Services, 150 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 120, phoenix, AZ, USA and Stacey L. Goodall, Scientific Technologies Corporation, 67 E. Weldon, Suite 110, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
Recent vaccine shortages have necessitated temporary changes to vaccine administration recommendations. Abbreviated schedules were imposed to conserve limited vaccine supplies. These recommendations present challenges to providers who needed a method of recalling patients at a later time when conditions change. The Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) team implemented changes to the registry to promote efficient and timely recall of these patients with little additional effort required by providers.
Describe tools implemented in a statewide immunization registry to assist providers during vaccine shortages.
Describe results of recall efforts once vaccine was available.
ASIIS allows providers to enter documentation into the registry when a patient is deferred for a vaccine and note the dose number that is due for that patient. Providers can then run reminder/recall or generate patient lists for patients who have been deferred when the vaccine becomes available.
Providers can efficiently recall deferred patients when the vaccine supply is available again.
Timely recall minimizes the impact a shortage has on immunization coverage levels and helps to prevent future outbreaks.
Integrating tools into the registry adds new value to existing technology and minimizes the burden on providers.
Deferral tracking allows efficient management of immunization deferrals and recall efforts once vaccine is available again.
Workshop attendees will learn how the registry was modified to collect data that allows providers to easily follow up on deferred patients. Process benefits and lessons learned will also be presented.
Web Page:
See more of Immunization Registries Track Workshop: Managing Vaccination Catch-Up Due to Shortages with Immunization Registries
See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)