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Thursday, March 24, 2005 - 10:55 AM

Massachusetts 2004 Birth Hospital Record Review

Martha Badger and Susan M. Lett. Massachusetts Immunization Program (MIP), Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 305 South St, Jamaica Plain, MA, USA

In 2004, the Massachusetts Immunization Program conducted a birth hospital record review of infants born 1/1 - 6/30/2001, 6-12 months after birth hospitals had reported reinstatement of routine administration of the birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine (hep B-1). The purpose was to determine the percent of infants who received hep B-1 in hospital, and to compare these results with a record review conducted in 2000 of infants born in the 6 months before the 1999 joint statement about thimerosal and childhood vaccines.

To share results of the 2004 record review and to compare them to the 2000 results.

385 randomly-selected paired maternal and newborn records were reviewed. Data were collected and analysed in light of relevant recommendations and regulations.

92% of newborns had documentation of having received hep B-1 at birth. In addition, birth hospitals and obstertic providers demonstrate excellent adherence to regulations regarding screening pregnant women for HBsAg (99%) and rubella immunity (99%). 63% of rubella-susceptible and rubella status unknown women received a rubella-containing vaccine prior to hospital discharge.

The hep B-1 results of the 2004 survey are similar to the results of the 2000 survey, confirming that birth hospitals has reinstated routine administration of hep B-1. There was a marked improvement in the percent of rubella-susceptible and rubella status unknown women who received rubella-containing vaccine in the hospital, from 0% in 2000, to 63% in 2004.

Describe ACIP, AAP, and ACOG recommendations and Massachusetts regulations regarding HBsAg and rubella screening and documentation, administration of hep B-1 at birth, and administration of rubella-containing vaccine to rubella-susceptible and rubella status unknown postpartum women. Identify a survey tool to evalulate adherence to these recommendations.

See more of Epidemiology Track Workshop: Perinatal Infectious Disease Prevention Policies: Hepatitis B and Rubella
See more of The 39th National Immunization Conference (NIC)