Tuesday, March 7, 2006 - 9:20 AM

Partnering with Pharmacists to Increase Immunization Awareness

Sandra K. Schwartz, Personal Health Services Bureau, Chester County Health Department, 601 Westtown Road, Suite 180, West Chester, PA, USA

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:

By the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
1. Recognize the importance of working with pharmacists.
2. Identify unusual outreach opportunities in their area.
3. Apply similar outreach program in their area.


The equivalent of the entire US Population walks into a pharmacy every week. Pharmacists are educated professionals who can provide accurate and reliable information. Pharmacists are one of the most accessible health care professionals and they also provide an opportunity for immunization advocacy.
Pennsylvania Immunization Coalition (PAIC) partnered with CVS Pharmacies to develop a statewide immunization campaign with the following goals:
1. Improve vaccination rates.
2. Increase immunization awareness and education among residents in PA.
3. Increase awareness of Pennsylvania Immunization Coalition (PAIC).


All CVS Pharmacies in PA (n=346).


Any PA resident who received prescriptions during various times of the year.

Project Description:

Campaign consisted of 4 immunization messages that were printed on the CVS prescription bag labels at various times of the year.
1. Childhood Vaccine Card
2. Vaccinate Them Before They Graduate Card
3. Back to School Requirement Card
4. Adult Vaccine Card

Results/Lessons Learned:

• Pharmacists proved to be an effective resource for educating the community about immunizations.
• CVS was willing to print the immunization messages on their prescription bag labels for FREE.
• CVS printed a total of 1,734,283 messages from April through October 2005.
• Pharmacists possess a great deal of knowledge and can serve as valuable immunization advocates because of their accessibility to a wide range of patients.

See more of The Role of Pharmacists in Immunization
See more of The 40th National Immunization Conference (NIC)