Monday, March 6, 2006 - 11:35 AM

Implementing Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Tools

Lisa Benton1, Marcy Jones1, and Rick Gersberg2. (1) California Department of Health Services, Immunization Branch, 850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, Richmond, CA, USA, (2) Public Health Projects, San Diego State University Research Foundation, 2945 Sky Park Court, Suite 100, San Diego, CA, USA

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:
1. Explain why collaboration with outside agencies during a pandemic influenza is essential.
2. Increase participation in the distance-learning process by delegation of production and content teams.


The possibility of an influenza pandemic drives the need to prepare to respond rapidly with health education for staff of state and local health departments. Design and production of a 90-minute live satellite broadcast with question and answer, and an interactive table top exercise tested the capacity of the Immunization Branch of California Department of Health Services to deliver timely information to 62 county and city health departments. Establishing the ease of use of satellite broadcast as a tool for distance learning is emphasized for emergency and outbreak response planning and training for large audiences.


A live 90-minute satellite broadcast with a 2-hour table top that addresses guidance for state and local health department planning was conducted simultaneously at multiple locations throughout CA.


Preparing for the next influenza pandemic requires support from local, state, and federal partners to address training obligations of public health workers and other likely emergency responders during a pandemic.

Project Description:

Steps taken by the Immunization Branch in collaboration with the Division of Communicable Disease Control, the California Distance Learning Health Network, local health departments, and the CDC, to design, implement, and accomplish a pandemic influenza preparedness update as a continuing education training for 1500 sites are described.

Results/Lessons Learned:

Live satellite broadcasts provide the opportunity for up-to-the-minute updates for current practices of disease investigation, surveillance, risk communication, and mitigation strategies that will enhance preparedness for the next pandemic influenza outbreak. Creating an infrastructure for frequent and streamlined communication, archiving easily accessible reference and training materials, maintaining a technology production pathway, and cultivating camera-ready spokespersons promotes project success.

Web Page:

See more of Pandemic Influenza Communication:Research, Resources, and Preparedness Tools
See more of The 40th National Immunization Conference (NIC)