International Ballroom A/B/C
Monday, March 6, 2006: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

A1: Vaccination of Health Care Workers: Understanding the Issues and Barriers

Presenters in this workshop will discuss 1) methods for assessing hospital healthcare worker (HCW) vaccination policies, 2) reasons many HCW’s fail to comply with those policies, and 3) interventions that can increase vaccination coverage.
Moderator:Suchita Lorick
11:00 AMIntroductory Remarks
11:05 AMA Unique Assessment of Hospital Employee Immunization Policies in Los Angeles County
Marifi Pulido, Vi Nguyen, Christina Mijalski, Martha Stokes, Vichuda Lousuebsakul, Dulmini Kodagoda
11:20 AMHealthcare Influenza Immunization Rates - Are the Cobbler's Children Barefoot?
Vivian W. Barbee, Scott Spillmann
11:35 AMIt's Time to Take Your Medicine! Influenza Vaccination in Hospitals: the San Diego Hospital Influenza Immunization Project
Mark H. Sawyer, Hajime Kamiya, Michelle De Guire, Wendy Wang, Robert Vryheid, K. Michael Peddecord, John M. Fontanesi, Kathleen W. Gustafson, Barbara H. Bardenheier
11:50 AMDiscussion

The 40th National Immunization Conference (NIC) of CDC