Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - 9:20 AM

Tulsa Area Immunization Health Care Workers Influenza Vaccination Tool Kit-Increasing Influenza Vaccination Rates in Health Care Workers

Margaret Mary Bernard-Howe, Nurse Education Oklahoma State University Physicians Clinic System, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2345 Southwest Blvd, Tulsa, OK, USA

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
•Identify problems with vaccine access and misconceptions leading to HCW's non-vaccination
•Identify effective means to increase vaccination coverage.
•Apply innovative strategies for developing, implementing and evaluating a HCW Influenza Vaccination Program.

Influenza vaccinations have been shown to reduce HCW's infections, absenteeism, and patient mortality providing financial savings for institutions.
The level of vaccination coverage among HCW should be considered a measure of a patient safety quality program.
Influenza transmission and outbreaks in health care facilities are well documented. Despite documented benefits of HCW vaccination programs, coverage remains <50%.
TAIC assists providers to develop HCW Influenza Vaccination Programs using evidence-based approaches that maximize vaccination rates.

Major health care institutions in the Tulsa area

HCW in the above settings- at risk of contacting and/or spreading influenza

Project Description:
A TAIC HCW Influenza Vaccination Program Tool Kit to assist providers in implementing such a program.
•CEO's and administrators in all major health care institutions were asked to commit their resources towards institutionalizing influenza immunization.
•Tool Kits were delivered to infection control and occupational health professionals responsible for influenza vaccination programs. Kits included all needed materials and resources to prepare, educate, implement and evaluate a HCW Influenza Vaccination Program.
•Included were tracking tools for evaluating year to year vaccination rates.
•A presentation of the TAIC HCW Influenza Vaccination Program will be provided. An interactive exercise will follow during which ideas can be exchanged to evaluate steps needed to increase rates.

Results/Lessons Learned:
A concerted effort is needed to improve HCW influenza vaccination rates. Employers need to commit to institutionalize immunizations in the workplace. Immunization Coalitions can assist in this effort by providing a complete one stop source for all materials needed to prepare, implement and evaluate their program and progress.