Grand Salon D
Tuesday, March 18, 2008: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

D4: Healthcare Provider Attitudes and Practices Regarding Adolescent Vaccination

Presenters in this workshop will discuss 1) provider attitudes and the factors believed to be critical for adolescent immunization; 2) physician practices regarding uptake of Tdap vaccination; and, 3) the effect a reminder/recall strategy has on improving coverage levels.
Moderator:Allison Kennedy
11:00 AMIntroductory Remarks
11:05 AMHealth care provider attitudes and practices regarding adolescent immunizations: a qualitative study
Sharon G. Humiston, Christina Albertin, Stanley Schaffer, Cynthia Rand, Laura Shone, Peter G. Szilagyi, Shannon Stokley
11:20 AMPhysician Adoption of Adolescent Tdap Recommendations
Amanda F. Dempsey, Anne E. Cowan, Shannon Stokley, Karen R. Broder, Katrina Krestinger, Sarah J. Clark
11:35 AMImproving Adolescent Immunization Rates with a Phone Call-Based Reminder/Recall System
Debra L. Rosen, Allison, E. Campos
11:50 AMDiscussion

The 42nd National Immunization Conference (NIC) of CDC