Grand Salon C
Tuesday, March 18, 2008: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM

D2: Eliminated but not Eradicated: Challenges in Controlling Imported Measles Outbreaks

With the recommendation of a second measles vaccine dose, high routine measles vaccination coverage in the U.S., and improved measles control in the Americas, measles was declared eliminated from the U.S. by 2000, a remarkable public health success. However, the U.S. is still at risk for imported measles because of the high volume of international travel to countries that experience large-scale measles outbreaks and remain endemic for measles. These measles importations often require significant public health efforts and costs. Presenters in this workshop will discuss the epidemiology of measles in the U.S. and recent U.S. measles outbreaks that illustrate: 1) risks for measles importation and transmission during travel, 2) difficulties in enforcing isolation, 3) resistance to vaccination efforts because of perceptions that adverse events from the vaccine outweigh the severity of acquiring the disease, and 4) the need to implement more effective policies to protect persons traveling abroad, health care workers, and other persons at high-risk. The implications of imported cases for U.S. measles surveillance, outbreak investigation, and vaccination policy will be discussed.
Moderators:James Alexander
Preeta Kutty
11:00 AMIntroductory Remarks
11:05 AMEpidemiology of Measles Post-Elimination — United States, 2000–6
Amy Parker
11:20 AMMulti-State Measles Outbreak Associated with an International Youth Sporting Event — Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Texas, August–September, 2007
Tai-Ho Chen
11:35 AMLessons Learned From A Measles Outbreak
Martha DeBroekert, Juventila Liko
11:50 AMDiscussion

The 42nd National Immunization Conference (NIC) of CDC