42nd National Immunization Conference (NIC): Mass Vaccination of a Target Population

Mass Vaccination of a Target Population

Thursday, March 20, 2008: 10:55 AM
Grand Salon A/B
Andrew Bernstein

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to:
1. Describe how planning for mass vaccination can begin with routine vaccination programs.
2. Recognize and identify community resources that can be utilized during a mass vaccination event.
3. Identify key steps in the process of organizing a mass vaccination event.
4. Establish planning goals that would lead to a successful school-based vaccination program for seasonal influenza.

The Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI), a Federal public health initiative, prepares urban metropolitan cities to medicate their entire population in a 48-hour period. This presents a unique challenge for every CRI community. The Harford County Health Department began this preparation by rapidly embarking on a politically proposed project to mass vaccinate eligible elementary school children against influenza in September 2006.

Harford County Public Elementary Schools.

Eligible FluMistĀ® recipients between the ages of 5 - 11.

Project Description:
Together with the Harford County Government and Harford County Public Schools, the Harford County Health Department vaccinated over 8,000 students in over 30 schools in a 16-hour period using 16 teams of over 160 people each day.

Results/Lessons Learned:
The project resulted in a two-fold learning experience regarding policies in our county. First, we were able to demonstrate a successful school-based mass vaccination program that can be accomplished in a 48-hour period using medical and non-medical personnel. Second, the project led to the expansion of our annual influenza vaccination program which will hopefully foster confidence and an increased knowledge base regarding influenza vaccines, especially among parents of children in this age-group who have historically demonstrated disinterest in this annual vaccination.