42nd National Immunization Conference (NIC): Increases in Vaccine Research and Development by Major Vaccine Manufacturers, 1997-2007

Increases in Vaccine Research and Development by Major Vaccine Manufacturers, 1997-2007

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Angela Pok
Margaret S. Coleman
Dianne C. Singer
Jack RC Wheeler
Gary L. Freed

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to describe trends in research efforts for vaccines versus all pharmaceuticals for major vaccine manufacturers.

Some economists and pharmaceutical industry representatives believe that the dominant role of government as a purchaser of childhood vaccines may stifle manufacturers' investment in research and development (R&D). In contrast, higher prices of recently developed vaccines indicate that vaccines may be an increasingly promising R&D investment for manufacturers.

To characterize trends in R&D activity for prophylactic vaccines as a proportion of the overall R&D portfolio of the 4 major vaccine manufacturers in the US (identified as Mfrs A, B, C, and D).

The investigators queried a proprietary industry database (Pharmaprojects) to identify prophylactic vaccines in preclinical or clinical trials development for the 4 manufacturers in the years 1997 through 2007. The investigators used the same database to identify all biologic and non-biologic pharmaceuticals in development in 1997 through 2007 (accounting for mergers among manufacturers).

From 1997 to 2007, the number of unique vaccine entities in preclinical or clinical trials stages stayed the same for 2 manufacturers (Mfr A, Mfr B) and increased for the 2 other manufacturers (Mfr C, Mfr D), ranging from 8 to 23 per firm by 2007. Given development of entities overall for these firms over the same period, prophylactic vaccines constituted an increasing share of all biologic and non-biologic entities for Mfr A (7% to 12%), Mfr C (6% to 13%), and Mfr D (4% to 7%), but a decreasing share for Mfr B (13% to 8%).

Recent expansion of the vaccine component of the overall R&D portfolio by 3 of the 4 manufacturers in the US vaccine market suggests a positive relationship between the current balance of private and public financing of vaccine purchase and recent trends in vaccine prices.