42nd National Immunization Conference (NIC): Preventing Influenza: Creative Solutions

Preventing Influenza: Creative Solutions

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Learning Objectives for this Presentation:
By the end of the presentation participants will be able to describe two different community approaches to using donated Flumist to prevent influenza in children and describe efficacy.

The Wasington State DOH recieved a donation of Flumist. They made this vaccine available to any LHJ's who wanted to develop a plan for it's use and gather information on children's responses to the vaccine. Several counties developed and enacted programs to give Flumist to children in their communities.

Pierce County created a plan to give Flumist at Elementary schools. This was a collaboration between Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, the Mary Bridge Immunization Program, and Pacific Lutheren University nursing students. To give FluMist to students at Juvenile Detention; Alternative High Schools in two school districts, and Head Start attendees in collaboration with Kitsap County Health District, Bremerton and North Kitsap School Districts and Kitsap Community Resources. Mobile Clinic will go to these sites.

All students at two Elementary schools (from age 3 through age 11 years old) were offered free Flumist or TIV for those with contraindications.

Project Description:
Schools were chosen considering student need (based on percentage of children recieving free lunch). Vaccines were delivered at school, during school hours. School abscences were tracked weekly for targeted schools and a comparable school that had recieved no intervention.
Areas of need were considered of high risk populations with transportation issues. Posted Sign up sheet for FluMist vaccine; LAIV VIS and Screening forms sent to parents, returns reviewed by nurse, phone consultation as needed. LAIV or TIV will be given on site Dec.2007.

Results/Lessons Learned:
1. Even free and no effort vaccines are refused.
2. It's always more work than you think.
3. Schools are a viable place to give influenza vaccine.
4. Efficacy results are being gathered and will be reported at the presentation.