Background: Efficient delivery of influenza vaccines is critical given the recent increase in the number of children recommended for annual influenza vaccination.
Objectives: To evaluate US pediatric office characteristics that correlate with vaccination coverage (receipt of ≥1 dose) and compliance with the recommended 2-dose regimen.
Methods: In this prospective, observational study,
Results: Vaccination coverage for 6 months to 18 years was assessed at 36 and 77 offices in each season, respectively. For coverage, the strongest associations were with smaller practice size (0.5%-0.8% increase per 1000 fewer patients; P≤0.02), higher staff-to-patient ratio (+2.0% per additional staff member per 1000 patients; P<0.001), extended vaccine availability (+1.4% per additional 10 days; P<0.001), and staff support of CDC recommendations (+2.8% per 0.5 point increase on 5-point scale; P<0.001). Two-dose compliance was evaluated at 36 and 75 offices and was associated with extended vaccine availability (+1.2%-5.1% per additional 10 days; P≤0.002), urban location (-14.3%; P=0.022), and support for CDC recommendations (+3.6% per 0.5 point increase on 5-point scale; P<0.005).
Conclusions: Pediatric offices may be able to increase in-office influenza vaccination coverage and compliance by offering vaccines for a longer duration of time and with clinics outside of normal hours. Larger offices and urban offices may be at a disadvantage in delivering vaccine. Providers should ensure adequate levels of staffing and staff member support for national recommendations. Sponsored by MedImmune.
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