Background: The Indian Health Service (IHS) immunization data exchange initiative encourages IHS, tribal and urban Indian health (ITU) sites to participate in immunization information systems (IIS). Since 2006, ITU sites in
Setting: ITU clinics that utilize the IHS Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) and also use the IHS data exchange software to perform automated bidirectional immunization data exchange with ASIIS.
Population: In 2008, there were 22,152 (5%) American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children under the age of 4 in
Project Description: Three IHS administrative areas operate 22 ITU sites in
Results/Lessons Learned: IHS and ASIIS work continually to allow Arizona ITU’s to exchange immunization data with ASIIS. In 2006 the goal was to establish the interface. Today, the mutual goal is to maintain and improve the interface through frequent communication, troubleshooting and proposing solutions to problems which have not yet been encountered by either entity.