Don Sheldrew, MSW, LICSW, NREMT-P

Minnesota Department of Health
Office of Emergency Preparedness
624 Robert St N
St. Paul, MN
USA 55164

Biographical Sketch:
1977 - 1988 Chicago Fire Department, Paramedic Officer 1990 - 1998 Northwest Technical College, Paramedic Coordinator / Instructor 2002 - 2004 Five County Mental Health Centers, Therapist 2004 -2007 Emergency Services Consulting and Counseling, Owner 2007 - present Minnesota Department of Health, Planner Responsible for identifying and defining Minnesota’s At Risk populations and providing assistance to them regarding disaster preparedness During disasters facilitates partnerships between special populations and other agencies including local jurisdiction public health and emergency management services Provide counseling and consultation during emergency events Paramedic (to present) and a Provide pre-hospital health education