Baylor College of Medicine
Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases Section
1102 Bates St., Suite 1120
Biographical Sketch:
I completed pediatric residency training in Ireland and have completed fellowships in Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases at Baylor College of Medicine , Houston, Texas. I have also completed the Advanced Vaccinology course run by Fondation Merieux and the University of Geneva in 2006. Since 2005, I have been on faculty in the Department of Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases Section. Since 2006 I have served as Director of Vaccinology and Maternal Immunization at the Center for Vaccine Awareness and Research at Texas Children's Hospital. In that role, I serve as Director of "The Cocoon Strategy", a program outlined in the submitted abstract that delivers CDC recommended Tdap immunizations to postpartum women and caregivers for infants. This program has been recognized locally, regionally and nationally, has been the focus of national presentations and publications (see below) both in scientific journals and in mainstream media. I am interested in preventing infectious diseases in all age-groups through immunization.
Specific publications pertinent to this abstract include:
Healy CM. The cocoon strategy. Tex Med. 2008;104:3.
Healy CM, Rench MA, Castagnini LA, Baker CJ. Pertussis immunization in a hgh-risk postpartum population. Vaccine. 2009;27:5599-602.