Christopher S. Ambrose, MD

MedImmune, LLC
One MedImmune Way
Gaithersburg, MD
USA 20878

Biographical Sketch:
2002-Present: MedImmune. Currently Senior Director of Medical Affairs, responsible for influenza-related research. Previous positions in Brand Management and Clinical Development. Ambrose CS, Rousculp MD. A valuable summary of various experiences with school-located influenza vaccination programs. J Sch Nurs. 2010;26(5):342-343. Ambrose CS, Wu X, Belshe RB. The efficacy of live attenuated and inactivated influenza vaccines in children as a function of time postvaccination. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2010;29(9):806-811. Belshe RB, Coelingh K, Ambrose CS, Woo JC, Wu X. Efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccine in children against influenza B viruses by lineage and antigenic similarity. Vaccine. 2010;28(9):2149-2156. Belshe RB, Toback SL, Yi T, Ambrose CS. Efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccine in children 6 months to 17 years of age. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 2010;4(3):141-145.