Delia Easton, PhD

New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Immunization
Corning Tower, Room 649
Albany, NY
USA 12237

Biographical Sketch:
July 2010-present: Director of Research, Bureau of Immunization, New York State Department of Health 2009-2010: Statewide H1N1 Regional Coordinator, Bureau of Immunization, New York State Department of Health 2008 - 2009: Evaluation Coordinator, Bureau of Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health; 2006-7 Deputy Director, Office of Outcomes Evaluation, Bureau of HIV/AIDS Pevention and Control, 2004-5 City Research Scientist, Bureau of Chronic Disease Pervention and Control, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 2000-2003: Behavioral Scientist, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, 2007-8 Senior Research Scientist (employed by Battelle), Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, CDC 2003-2004: Health Policy Researcher, Hunter College, Center for Puerto Rican Studies, New York City 2003-2005: Instructor, Center for Urban and Community Health, Hunter College 1995-1997: Researcher and Evaluator, 1999-2000: Ethnographer and Evaluator Hispanic Health Council, Hartford, Connecticut 1997-1998 Research Fellow, Columbia University HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, New York City 2007: present, Fellow, Societyfor Applied Anthropology 2007- 2010: Chair, AIDS and Anthropology Research Group, Special Interest Group of the American Anthropological Association Awarded grants from Wenner-Gren Fondation, National Institutes of Health, Research Foundation of CUNY, and National Science Foundation Author or coauthor of several peer reviewed manuscripts and book chapters. Numerous presentations at scientific meetings.