Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
Communicable Disease Control Program
3629 South D Street
Biographical Sketch:
2000- 2010- Nurse Epidemiologist in Communicable Disease Control Program at Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Tacoma Washington.
Responsible for:
-- communicable disease surveillance, investigation and control of notifiable conditions, including vaccine preventable diseases
-- coordination of adult immunization projects focused on hard to reach and underserved populations
-- development of communication materials for community medical providers and other professionals
-- development of disease prevention projects and materials targeting the public
--Clinical Faculty, School of Nursing, University of Washington Tacoma
--Numerous professional presentations to medical providers, professional groups, state and local public health meetings on topics of communicable disease epidemiology and prevention
--Editor- Tacoma-Pierce County Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, a regular publication for community medical providers