Holly Groom, MPH

Oregon Health Authority
Oregon Immunization Program
800 NE Oregon Street
Portland, OR
USA 97232

Biographical Sketch:
June 2009-Present Research Analyst at the Oregon Immunization Program, Oregon DHS, Portland, OR January 2004-June 2009 Epidemiologist, National Center for Immunziations and Respiratory Diseases, Health Services Research and Evaluation Branch, Atlanta, GA Currently working on evaluation of the Economic Order Quantitaty Continuous Quality Improvement project in coordination with CDC. Additional projects included looking at uptake of H1N1 vaccine by priority group; analysis of annual BRFSS data, evaluation of Oregon's AFIX program, and a qualitative reserach project looking at access to H1N1 vaccine among underserved populations to help inform this and future pandemic responses. Previous work included working on AFIX and VFC guidance and evaluation; child immunization research issues; qualitative evaluation of how programs increase vaccination coverage and quantitative analyses of factors that contribute to high immunization rates. Particpated and presented in many scientific conferences; 6 past publications in peer-reviewed journals; 4 as first author.