Nancy Gemeinhart, RN, MHA, CIC

BJC HealthCare
BJC Occupational Health Services
Mailstop 92-92-241
8300 Eager Rd., Suite 400A
St. Louis, MO
USA 63144

Biographical Sketch:
08/09 - current -- Program Director, Occupational Health Services, BJC HealthCare, St. Louis, MO 11/01 - 08/09 -- Manager, Occupational Health Services, BJC HealthCare, St. Louis, MO 05/98 - 09/01 -- Infection Control Manager, Correctional Medical Services, St. Louis, MO 03/93 - 05/98 -- System Infection Control Coordinator, Deaconness Health System, St. Louis, MO Certified in infection control and epidemiology since 1995. Many accomplishments in the field of nursing, infection prevention, occupational health and emergency preparedness. In current role, directs the occupational health services department which includes occupational infection prevention, occupational health, ergonomics, worker compensation, and the WellAware fitness center. Responsibilities include injury and illness prevention for the 27,000 BJC HealthCare employees, which includes direct oversight of the development and implementation of the annual influenza immunization program as well as all policies related to immunization of health care personnel. Participates on multiple organizational committees/teams related to employee safety, occupational health, infection prevention, and emergency preparedness. Participates on several regional and State committees for emergency preparedness, pandemic preparedness, and antiviral distribution. Authored/co-authored 26 scientific published articles, published abstracts, or presented posters. Numerous presentations at professional conferences/scientific meetings at the national, state, and local levels.