30303 Using Television and Web-Based Media to Promote Childhood and Teen Influenza Vaccination

Monday, March 26, 2012
Poster Hall

Background:  As part of a multistrategy program to increase vaccination levels, a television media campaign and an informational video for teens were developed with the goal of encouraging childhood and teen influenza vaccination.  This project was funded by a cooperative agreement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Setting:  The Department of Family Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh worked with WTAE TV, the ABC affiliate in Pittsburgh, to develop a television and web site campaign promoting childhood influenza vaccination.  The Center for Instructional Design and Distance Education (CIDDE) at the University of Pittsburgh created the teen Flu Bug animated video.

Population:  The target audience for the WTAE campaign was parents and children.  The Flu Bug video was geared to teens.

Project Description:  Focus groups were held with teens, parents, and health care professionals to determine methods of reaching parents and teens.  Using celebrity as a tool, TV spots and videos were developed featuring child singing star Jackie Evancho and her family and WTAE talent. The campaign with WTAE ran from October 1 through March 2011. The Flu Bug video uses animation and humor to promote influenza vaccination among teens. Links to video were sent to all Allegheny County school nurses, to community organizations, and physicians’ offices.  A poster promoting the video was developed for hanging where students, teachers, and staff at schools and patients in physicians’ offices could access them.  DVDs of video were made available. Both videos were placed on YouTube. 

Results/Lessons Learned:  School nurses, physicians’ offices, and immunization coalitions used The Flu Bug video.  WTAE TV spots aired 832 times.  The Flu Bug video was viewed 1,000 times on YouTube, the Evancho video was viewed 20,000 times, demonstrating that celebrities get results.