Taking Part In the Media Relations Evolution

Wednesday, August 10, 2011: 4:00 PM-5:30 PM
Grand B
Regardless of the field, professionals are challenged with identifying the best ways to utilize both traditional and non-traditional media channels. The purpose of this session is to quell fears that all campaigns require a Facebook page, or the like, and build participant’s capacity to select channels that make sense. The facilitators of this panel will use their combined communications and media relations expertise to educate public health professionals, giving them the necessary tools to develop strategies that are relevant in today’s climate of mixed media. Throughout the session, participants will learn how to approach media relations in a relevant and meaningful way. Attendees will build their capacity to discern, select, and get the most out of traditional and non-traditional media channels, and build an understanding of the current media relations climate. Participants will first learn about the application of traditional strategic communications principles in the context of today’s 24/7 news cycle. Panelists will discuss the mechanics of developing a targeted strategic approach that leverages media outlets that are appropriate for a particular goal and intended audience. Participants will then learn how to implement a communications strategy using traditional and non-traditional media outlets, in combination or individually, and why and how to evaluate their media relations efforts. Programs and campaigns developed by the panelist will be used to illustrate each of these lessons. This will be an interactive session; attendees should expect to leave with tangible materials, tools and resources.

Strategic Health Communication Planning In An Evolving Media Relations Climate
Adrienne Dealy, BA, Media Relations Firm, Enshrine Communications, Austin, TX

The Non-Traditional Importance of Traditional Media
Jeffrey Salzgeber, B.A, Media Relations, Enshrine Communications, Austin, TX

Improving Your Approach to Social Media
Carrie Layne, same as above, Enshrine Communications, Austin, TX and Amanda McGuckin Hager, B.A, Media Relations, Enshrine Communications, Austin, TX

See more of: Panel