Senior Project Director
Know the Signs Suicide Prevention Campaign
5315 Spilman Avenue
Biographical Sketch:
Senior advisor to the California Suicide Prevention Social Marketing project, 2011 - present
Senior advisor the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Social Marketing project, 2010 - present
Presenter, "Social Marketing: Putting it into Practice". Idaho State University Institute of Rural Health. 2011
Deputy director of the national Suicide Prevention Resource Center, 2004-2010
Participated in workgroup that revised the national consensus recommendations for safe reporting on suicide, 2010
Presenter, "Engaging the media in suicide prevention". Bridging the Divide conference. Colorado Springs, CO. 2010
Presenter, "The economic crisis and suicide risk: Covering the story". NAMI Maine and Maine chapter, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Augusta, ME. 2009
Presenter, "Suicide prevention messaging: Safe? Effective? Heard?" National Institute for Mental Health Outreach Partners. Portland, OR. 2007
Trainer on telling your recovery story to the media, Faces and Voices of Recovery, 2006-2007
Presenter, "Promoting your program: If you won’t do it, who will?" National Association of County and City Health Officials, San Antonio. 2006.
Presenter, "Marketing injury prevention to the media". Rhode Island Department of Health. Providence, RI. 2006.