Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 8:00 AM-9:30 AM
Centennial I/II
Edelman will share findings from its 2015 Digital Health Information Survey, a nationwide study that explored the “e-patient journey” and uncovered preferences for digital health information and what online content drives actions like sharing and behavior change. We hypothesized that consumers’ interaction with digital health resources varies by generation and role in family healthcare decisions, especially the type of information sought and how content is used, shared, and acted upon. Data from the survey reveals that consumers—from millennials and baby boomers to seniors—are interacting with digital content and platforms in new and surprising ways.
What does this mean for public health professionals? An opportunity to shift the approach to reflect this new communications reality.
Edelman’s digital, research, and social marketing strategists will discuss key findings from this groundbreaking survey, examine the implications of the results for social marketers, and share strategies to amplify the reach and impact of digital efforts through the lens of social marketing campaigns. We will also debunk myths about the way people use social media and the Web; provide insights into the role of “digital caregivers;” and discuss what constitutes “care” in digital spaces and how to create content that connects, educates and drives behavior change.
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