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Monday, October 29, 2007: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM

B1: B-1 Preconception health and health care in other countries

International comparisons provide a unique opportunity to describe the different challenges faced by professionals when providing preconception care. Presenting the challenges, obstacles, and lessons learned from implementing programs, will lead to more efficient and effective intervention. Most importantly, it is the process by which the international community responds to the WHO’s 11th Program of Work, Engaging in Health, which proposes to close the gaps in social justice, responsibility, implantation, and knowledge to underserved populations. This session will explore factors that affect preconception health in diverse settings, provide useful instruments for implementation, discuss patient motivation, and explore implications for national policy.
Moderator:Brian McCarthy
3:30 PMPreconception care in developing countries: challenges and opportunities
Mary-Elizabeth Reeve
3:40 PMPreconception care on the right track
Boukje Van der Zee
3:50 PMPreconception care in the Netherlands: an advisory report to the Minister of Health
Veronique WT Ruiz van Haperen, Leo P. Ten Kate, On Behalf Of the Advisory Committee on Preconception Care
4:00 PMWomen's motives for not participating in preconception counselling: a qualitative study
Esther J Hosli, Ank De Jonge, Joyce Elsinga, Simone E Buitendijk, W.J.J. Assendelft, Karin Van der Pal-de Bruin
4:10 PMAn electronic preconception checklist on Internet:
Elsbeth Van Vliet- lachotzki, Eric A.P Steegers
4:20 PMWhich Genetic Investigations to Provide During Preconception Care
Pierre Delvoye, Pascale Hilbert, Christine Verellen-Dumoulin, Sophie Alexander

The 2nd National Summit on Preconception Health and Health Care of CDC