Beatriz de Faria de Faria Leao, MD, DSc

BLEAO Informática em Saúde
Director and Partner
Av MAcuco 550 apto 72
Sao Paulo Brazil 04523001

Biographical Sketch:
Consultant at Jembi, South Africa 2010 – to date. Jembi is a non-for profit organization leading the project of the eHealth Architecture for Rwanda / Mozambique. Responsibe for the Health Standards Infrastructure. Consultant at the Department of Management and Health Education at the Ministry of Health Brazil, 2010 – to date. THis is the dept. at MOH responsible for the Brazilian TeleHealth Program. Working on the standards definition for the Brazilian TeleHealth Program. Consultant at Jhpiego (Johns Hopkins University) Apr/2010 - to date. Contract 11-ICA-021 Project: Strengthening Safe Hospials and Clinics in HIV. Activity: Analysis of the Informatin Systems for Human Resources Management for Health in Mozambique. Vice-Convener WG8 - Business Requirements of the EHR - 2008 - to date. ISO TC 215 Health Informatics. Convener WG8 - Business Requirements if the EHR 2007 - to date. Brazilian ISO TC 215 mirror committee. Project leader together with Patrick Whitaker of the 14639 ISO TR Capacity-based ehealth architecture roadmap President of BLEAO Informatica em Saúde - 1999 – to date President of BLEAO Health Informatics, offering consulting in Health Informatics. Main clients: JEMBI (South Africa), ZILICS and previously ATECH and VIDATIS. Consultant at HMN/WHO - Jun-Nov/2010 Consultant at HMN/WHO Contract 200217399 – Preparation of the HMN Framework and Standards for Country Health Information Systems as a New York Item Proposal (NWIP) for a Technical Specification (TS) document , according to its directives. NWIP successfully passed ballot on October 15th, 2010 and received an ISO number – ISO TS – 16555 HI: Framework for National Health Information Systems. Senior Health Architect for Zilics Health Information Sytems (formerly Vidatis Health Information Systems), São Paulo, SP 2003 – Mar/2010 Senior Health Architect for Zilics Health Information Sytems (formerly Vidatis Health Information Systems), São Paulo, SP. Responsible for the health standards architecture of all systems with focus on HL7 and OpenEHR standards for the EHR. Consultant WHO – World Health Organization for the Mozambique - 2007 - Technical Assistance on Health Information Systems. Contract AF/06/062911. Three visitis to Mozambique (Oct/2006, April and Nov/2007), Deliverables: Terms of Reference for Designing the Requirements of the Health Information System of the Maputo Central Hospital and preparation of the Tender Specifications Technical Report: National Health Information System