Michael Wittie, MPH

US Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Primary Health Care, Office of Quality and Data, HIT Branch
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD
USA 20857

Biographical Sketch:
2010-present -- Public Health Analyst, HRSA, Office of Quality and Data, HIT Branch, Rockville, MD 2008-2010 -- Public Health Informatics Fellow, CDC, Office on Smoking and Health, Atlanta, GA 2007 -- Researcher, The Emory Clinic, Department of Neurology, Atlanta, GA 2004-2006 -- Research Assistant, NORC, Washington, DC 2002-2003 -- Research Assistant, Gorge Washington University, Lipid Research Laboratory, Washington, DC Project officer for health center controlled network HIT and EHR grants (2011-present) Responsible for supporting health center and health center controlled network adoption and Meaningful Use of HIT for quality improvement (2010-present) Lead an evaluation of OSH’s State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System to examine use of STATE by its intended audience (2008-2010). Acted as consultant to Federal offices in need of informatics expertise (2008-2010): - 2010 Haiti Earthquake Response: managed and analyzed needs assessment data in English and French, as part of the EOC Technical Specialty Unit. - 2009 Novel H1N1 Flu: worked on the CDC Emergency Operations Center Web Team. - Provided technical assistance to the NIOSH EHR Subcommittee’s data standards development efforts. Acted as lead liaison with users of the AHRQ National Resource Center for Health IT Web Portal, managing user accounts and support, and performing evaluations and some web programming (2004-2006). Collaborated on the collection and analysis of data from focus groups of physicians concerning use of health IT and the potential of incentives to promote EHR adoption (2004-2006). Analyzed data to assess physician attitudes related to using electronic medical records (2004-2006). Multiple presentations at past PHIN, AMIA, and other professional/scientific conferences, and publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (Biological Psychiatry).