Rodolfo J. Stusser, MD, MSc, MPH

(Former Advisor to Cuban Ministry of Public Health's Informatics & Tele-Health Division)
Stusser Global Primary Health Care Medicine Research & Biostatistics Consulting
14055 SW 51 Lane
Miami, FL
USA 33175-5937

Biographical Sketch:
R.J. Stusser is a physician trained since 1962 as professor/researcher in Havana University (HU), on brain/heart physiology (1968-70), internal/general medicine in urban/rural hospitals/polyclinics/practices (1971-1974), and public health/clinical biostatistics/informatics & epidemiology (1974-77). Since 1971 he pioneered Cuban investigations on primary care medicine, infant/maternal & chronic-diseases’ mortality, global health/family medicine programs [the latter in elite-polyclinics (1990-2010)]; on cardiovascular (1968-70/1992-2010) & cancer (1977-88) clinical-epidemiology. Since 1975 he pioneered Cuban teachings on clinical/population surveys/trials & primary care/community medicine research. He was not allowed to defend his PhD-thesis degree in 1988 due to its critics to the Cancer Institute Research Program, and was sent as advisor to Nicaraguan MINSA’s infant-mortality & science/technology programs (1988-90). He has 46-year research/studies on philosophy, logic/methodology & forecast/policy of lab/clinical/population research/surveys/trials, health-services/global-health research, in top HU/MINSAP/Scientific Pole’s labs/institutes, hospitals/polyclinics, and 48-year teaching HU students on physiology, clinical semiology, clinical research method/biostatistics, epidemiology, informatics/telehealth, & residents, researchers & professors --also in Managua's Universities & PAHO/WHO Office. He advised Research Programs of: the Cuba's MINSAP Science/Technique Division 1975-85 (designing a clinical/health-research methodology lab for 15 National Health Institutes); East Europe-COMECON (1977-89); MINSAP Informatics/Tele-Health Division 2002-2006 (designing the ‘Vedado e-Health Project’ for 450 CUban community polyclinics); and PAHO/WHO/UNESCO (1988-2011). Between 2003-2006, he refused to lead the Cuban Projects in the University of Informatics Sciences (UIS) on: 1) Public Health Informatization; 2) Electronic Medical Records (in UIS hospital); offered by the MINSAP Informatics/Telemedicine Division. Instead he retired in 2005 to do freelance travels/exchanges/works. Main Works: Biostatistics’ logical/methodic problems in health research/management; 2. First Computerized MPH-thesis on Multi-factorial Mortality Structure of Oriental Rural-Health-Areas; 3. Pioneered UH logic/methodology & statistics/computing teachings on Cuban clinical/surgical/population research/trials; 4. First Ph.D.-degree thesis on Cancer Preventive Research Forecast-Scenarios Cuba 1985-2000; 5. Nicaraguan infant mortality register-problems & reduction-factors 1979-1989; 6. Integration science program for medicine/nursing/technology/public health; 7. Diverse National/International IT-research projects-portfolio in primary care medicine program; 8. Reflections on the Scientific Method in Medicine--published in EOLSS; 9. Enhancing global rural health utilizing comprehensive/electronic primary health/life care/research; 10. Research challenges of primary health care medicine progress—under review in EOLSS. Last Works: He is doing freelance research/teaching/consultancy on primary care medicine research challenges; info-tech. and bio-tech. global health research balance (13 yr); Cuba's Health Standards/Levels: Advances/Setbacks, 1900-2010. Projected Tele-Conference Sites --waiting for US web-hosts on Logic/Methods of: Global Living/Health Care Research; and Global Primary Care Medicine Invention/Innovation & Discovery.