JoAnna L. Hillman, MPH

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Global AIDS Program
1600 Clifton Road
Mailstop E30
Atlanta, GA
USA 30333

Biographical Sketch:
Ms. JoAnna Hillman has ten years of experience in the health and wellness field and has worked in public health at state, county and local levels. Ms. Hillman is a second year fellow working in the Division of Global HIV/AIDS. In this position, she co-developed and piloted a week-long introductory course in Public Health Informatics for data managers and information officers in the Eastern Cape of South Africa with the goal of building informatics capacity in the South African workforce. She is co-author of a poster on this course at the AMIA PHI2011 Conference in Orlando titled, "Building Foundational Competency in Health Information Systems in South Africa: A Pilot Training Course in the Eastern Cape Province". Prior to this position, Ms. Hillman worked for the City of Portland, Maine, coordinating the Common Ground Program, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded project to improve disease surveillance and early outbreak detection efforts. In this position, she applied informatics principles to the development of system requirements and technical specifications for a real-time outbreak detection system. As part of overseeing the system development and deployment, she established policies, protocols and data agreements to ensure access to data sets, investigated the use of non-traditional data sources (such as employee absenteeism and other data on workforce) as early indicators for outbreak for use in the system. In addition, she successfully convened and led a team of stakeholder representatives from state, county, and local government, as well as partners in emergency management and the system vendor. Also while at the City of Portland, Ms. Hillman co-led a project to assess the level of informatics competencies of the city's public health workforce. She identified areas of limited competencies based on national standards and made recommendations for follow-up training. Ms. Hillman has been trained by the Public Heath Informatics Institute in Business Process Analysis Methodology and has facilitated several projects through stakeholder analysis, entity diagramming, work flow mapping and business process reengineering. She graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Science and Services from the University of Rhode Island and earned a Master of Public Health degree from Boston University, with a concentration in Epidemiology.