Since the WSLH had already made a commitment to supporting Java based WEB technologies, it implemented such a handler to allow it to route data (files) to various vendor and custom or open source systems based both on data originator/owner and content. PHINMS ServiceMap specific transforms can be dynamically installed in this handler using “pluggable” Java Classes. The Eclipse Open Healthcare Framework (OHF) Project HL7v2 core component provided a direct open source path to developing pluggable transforms for HL7 message processing.
An example of this technology involved a laboratory sending both reportable conditions and HIV data to our messaging hub. Reportable conditions needed to be routed to the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS). The more sensitive HIV data was screened from WEDSS, and instead provided in an analysis friendly format to a selected few surveillance programs. Additionally separate audit trails (PHINMS queues) and security constraints were required. Simple configuration of the base message handler was sufficient for routing, auditing, and vendor specific (file) naming and placement. A pluggable transform class was used to convert the HIV data from HL7 to a CSV (comma separated values) format and transfer the results to an open source secured interactive WEB based file sharing application.