6th Annual Public Health Information Network Conference: EPHTN Network Pilot Project

EPHTN Network Pilot Project

Sunday, August 24, 2008
South/West Halls
Phillip A. Lowe, BS, BA , EHSPHL Informatics Office, Washington State Department of Health, Tumwater, WA
This is a demonstration of a distributed application developed for the
Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. The application allows publishing
and quering of FGDC subset metadata and retrieval of datasets referenced by the
metadata. The application uses PHIN-MS for transport and this demonstration is
of PHIN-MS nodes in Washington, Missouri, Floridia and Tulane University.

The first part of the presentation is a description of the EPHTN and the goals
of the project. The trade offs in the network design will be explained and the
choices detailed. We will also discuss how the application interfaces with PHIN-

The second part of the presentation is a panel of representatives from the
participating organizations detailing the lessons they have learned in setting up 
and running a part of a 5 node PHIN-MS mesh network. Topics include the time and
resources required to set up the basic PHIN-MS network and to install the
distributed application.

Tulane will present their experience and findings on using metadata search
functions to find data and their analysis of metadata quality in relation to
understanding retrieved datasets.

The partners will talk about the future plans for the network and why an
alternative network architecture is planned. Plans for expanding the network
will be explained and we will talk about the expected challenges and
opportunities this presents.

See more of: Poster Session
See more of: Abstracts