Peter L. Elkin, MD

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Internal Medicine
Baldwin 4B
Rochester, MN
USA 55905

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Peter L. Elkin is a Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine. He received his Batchelor of Science from Union College and his M.D. from New York Medical College. He did his Internal Medicine residency at the Lahey Clinic and his NIH/NLM sponsored fellowship in Medical Informatics at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Elkin has been working in Biomedical Informatics since 1981 and has been actively researching health data representation since 1987. Dr. Elkin is currently on the executive committee of ASTM E31. He is the primary author of the American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) national standard on Quality Indicators for Controlled Health Vocabularies ASTM E2087, which has also been approved by ISO TC 215 as a Technical Specification (TS17117). He chairs the OASIS International Healthcare Continuum and is a co-chair of Health and Human Service’s HITSP Technical Committee on Biosurveillance. Dr. Elkin is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American College of Medical Informatics. Dr. Elkin chairs the International Medical Informatics Associations Working Group on Human Factors Engineering for Health Informatics. He was awarded the Mayo Department of Medicine’s Laureate Award for 2005. Dr. Elkin is the index recipient of the Homer R. Warner award for outstanding contribution to the field of Medical Informatics.