Joel M. Jorgensen, BS

JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
National Security Technology Department
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD
USA 20723

Biographical Sketch:
2007-Present – Web Applications Developer, APL, National Defense, Laurel, MD 2006-2007 – Web Applications Developer, Battelle, Disaster Management Interoperability System, Stafford, VA 2005-2006 – Web Applications Developer, Trusted Integration, Trusted Agent, Alexandria, VA 2003-2005 – Information Technology Security Specialist, Department of Justice, Automated System Security Plan and NIST Requirements tools, Washington, DC Developed automated tools to greatly streamline the annual NIST self-evaluation and system security plan development processes for government computer systems. Assisted with creation of web-enabled version of the NIST self-evaluation tools for Department of Justice, State Department, and other federal agencies. Presented NIST tools to several federal agencies and members of industry. Key developer on Disaster Management Interoperability Services (DMIS) Web 2.0 project. Key developer of the ECC 2.0 Web frontend currently being used in ESSENCE and SignalFire.