Howard S. Burkom, PhD

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Mailstop 8-224
Laurel, MD
USA 20723

Biographical Sketch:
1999-present – Developer and Manager of Disease Surveillance Methodology, Johns Hopkins APL, ESSENCE Biosurveillance Programs, Laurel, MD 1979-1999 – Mathematician applying methods of signal processing and ocean modeling for submarine technology systems, Johns Hopkins APL, Laurel, MD - Member of Board of Directors of the International Society for Disease Surveillance - Charter member of the Section on Defense and National Security of the American Statistical Association. - Responsible for development and trouble-shooting of alerting algorithms for ESSENCE biosurveillance systems (2000-present). - Consultant and developer for CDC grant on BioSense Improvement (2006-present). - Technical lead on modified agent-based disease modeling project (2007-present). - Author of 2 book chapters and numerous published articles on algorithms for disease surveillance. - Numerous presentations at scientific meetings