20907 How Illinois Used Its NEDSS Application During the H1N1 Outbreak

Wednesday, September 2, 2009: 10:20 AM
Hanover A/B
Judith Kauerauf, MPH , Infectious Diseases, Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield, IL
During the recent H1N1 epidemic, Illinois employed new functionality to its NEDSS application.  iDetect, a tool for modifying on the fly was used to add new questions to the Novel Influenza module.  The state’s LIMS was not yet deployed for influenza.  At the onset of the outbreak, we began work to move to implement this within the lab.  This was less than the ideal situation, but very important for data continuity, early warning and to lessen the burden on public health workers.  A vision for data exchange with Illinois' electronic death registry was a distant vision, but became a reality for influenza.  I-NEDSS also had built and tested a GIS component for the AVR.  But due to loss of key personnel, it was never released.  At writing of this abstract, I am optimistic that this may be deployed.