Joseph Lombardo, MS

JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD
USA 20723-6099

Biographical Sketch:
1970 – Present: The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) 2007-Present: National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Public Health Informatics Director, JHU/APL Center of Excellence in Public Health Informatics 1998-Present: JHU/APL Applied Security & Proection Technology Branch, National Security Technology Department 1997-1998: William S. Parsons Sabbatical Fellow with the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 1976-1997: Submarine Technology Department 1970-1975: Strategic System Department Joseph S. Lombardo has been employed by APL for the past 39 years performing research on various forms of surveillance, particularly sensors, signal coherence, background noise analysis, and data presentation. He was the William S. Parsons Informatics Fellow with The John Hopkins University School of Medicine and is currently on the Executive Board of the Johns Hopkins University Division of Health Informatics Sciences. For the past 12 years, he has focused on developing and improving automated tools to enhance disease surveillance. He has led the development of the ESSENCE disease surveillance system, which is currently being used widely by the Department of Defense, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and several state and local health departments. He is currently the Director of the NCPHI JHU Center of Excellence in Public Health Informatics. He was the 2006 Organizing Chair for the International Disease Surveillance Conference and is currently on its Board of Directors.