Debra Bara, MA

Task Force for Global Health
Public Health Informatics Institute
325 Swanton Way
Decatur, GA
USA 30030

Biographical Sketch:
Ms. Bara serves as an Associate Director of Programs at the Public Health Informatics Institute. In her role, she facilitates communities of practice that support public health practice, and supports the Institutes’ performance improvement work. Ms. Bara has extensive experience in strategic planning, program planning and implementation, public health advocacy, maternal and child health services and mental health. She has over 20 years experience at the management and executive levels in both private and public health care settings, including children’s hospitals, non-profits, and a private/public community based coalition. Prior to joining the Institute, Ms. Bara was an executive in Florida’s Healthy Start Initiative, a private/public partnership to improve the health status of Florida mothers and babies. She has recently co-authored a chapter on communities of practice as a knowledge management practice for public health and has offered numerous presentations on a wide range of subjects at conferences and professional associations.