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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Enhanced Outcomes Following Reorganization of Syphilis Surveillance Protocols

Carla Latney1, Michelle Crawford1, Rafiq Miazad2, P. Burnett3, and Glen Olthoff3. (1) STD/HIV Prevention Program, Baltimore City Health Department, 210 Guilford Ave, 3rd Floor, Baltimore, MD, USA, (2) Baltimore City Health Department, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, (3) Baltimore City Health Department, Centers for Disease Control, Baltimore, MD, USA

The Baltimore City STD Program has historically utilized the Central Office Surveillance Unit to process laboratory data from private and non-clinic sources after which reactors requiring follow-up were sent to clinic DIS staff for management. This protocol was a lengthy and inefficient process.

To redirect provider outreach to central office staff improving efficiency and coalition building with the medical community. Restructure program resources and protocols to enable DIS to focus on case management and improving patient related outcomes.

Program management added dedicated staff to solely process priority laboratory reports according to program guidelines. This modification meant provider follow-up could be initiated rapidly avoiding unnecessary delay due to DIS clinic assignments, meetings, paperwork etc. The result is a more accurate, responsive system that can verify in minutes what previously took days.

Expedited patient follow-up by DIS; Increased the number of cases interviewed by obtaining thorough demographic info and scheduling pt interviews @ hospitals/medical providers' offices; Increased provider compliance with required reporting; established phone reporting by providers regarding early & congenital syphilis; Increase in providers verifying syphilis history/treatment.

The entire State of Maryland medical community has greatly benefited from the reorganization of the BCHD STD surveillance unit. Improvements in effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness to the medical community have all been realized.

A proficient, knowledgeable surveillance unit would prove beneficial to any large STD Program.