Anne Spaulding, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, 1518 Clifton Road NE Room 472, Atlanta, GA, USA
The 1997 and 2005 CDC/NIJ National Surveys of Infectious Diseases in Correctional Facilities queried the 50 largest US jails on healthcare funding and STD screening policies. In 2005, of 33 responding jails, 64% reported privatized healthcare. Mandatory/routine syphilis testing in jails declined: 41% (1997) to 25% (2005). Public vs. contracted trended towards more routine testing (42% vs.14%, p=0.14). A significantly higher percentage of detainees entering non-privatized jails had syphilis testing (41% vs.11%, p<.0001). Privatization is associated with less syphilis testing, but factors other than financing may influence whether testing occurs. We will discuss developing privatized healthcare screening programs.