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Tuesday, March 11, 2008 - 10:00 AM

Prevalence and Correlates of Coitus Interruptus (withdrawal) among African American Teens

Sharon R. Sznitman1, Daniel Romer1, Larry Brown2, Michael Carey3, Ralph J. DiClemente4, Bonita Stanton5, Peter Vanable3, and Robert Valois6. (1) Annenberg Public Policy Centre, Adolescent Risk Communication Institute, University of Pennsylvania, 3535 Market St, Suite 550, Philadelphia, PA, USA, (2) Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, (3) Syracuse Universi5ty, Syracuse, NY, USA, (4) Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA, USA, (5) Children's Hospital of Michiagn, Detroit, MI, (6) University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Withdrawal is one of the oldest contraception methods and it is still used. Yet, little is known about the prevalence and correlates of withdrawal, especially among African-American adolescents.

To investigate how widespread the practice of withdrawal is in a sample of sexually active African American adolescents. Furthermore, analyses seek to identify the demographic sexual risk behavior correlates of withdrawal. In doing so we attempt to update and extend previous research on withdrawal use in the US.

Cross-sectional study of 300 sexually active African American adolescent (age 13-18) in four U.S. cities. The questionnaire assessed social demographic variables, recent sexual behavior including withdrawal, condom use and lifetime sexual partners. Logistic regression was used to examine correlates of withdrawal use. (For the conference we will also have comparable baseline data from a sample of 300 sexually active African American enrolled in a prevention program and they will be included in the analyses).

Of the respondents who had had vaginal intercourse in the last 3 months, 55% reported having used withdrawal as a protection method. Findings indicate that withdrawal is often used in combination with condom use. Among those who reported having used a condom at every sexual intercourse in the last 3 months, 74% also reported having used withdrawal in the same period. Except from lifetime sexual partners, none of the predictor variables (age, gender, city, condom use) were significantly correlated with withdrawal use.

Withdrawal is a widespread practice among sexually active African American teens. Withdrawal is often used in combination with condom use.

For young people who choose to be sexually active, health care providers and schools should promote correct and consistent condom use as an important protection against STDs and discuss with young people the risk of contracting STDs through the use of withdrawal.