Jason Ybarra, BBA

Sedgwick County Health Department
Health Protection & Promotion
2716 W Central
Wichita, KS
USA 67203
Email: jybarra@sedgwick.gov

Biographical Sketch:
2004 - Present--Lead Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS), Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Sedgwick County Health Department, Wichtia, Kansas. 2001 - 2004--Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS), Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Sedgwick County Health Department, Wichtia, Kansas. 2001 - Present--Responsable for day-to-day operations of Disease Intervention Specialist based out of the Sedgwick County Health Department in Wichtia Kansas, DIS in this area cover a 24 county area in South Cental Kansas providing STD and HIV testing, treatment, and partner notification services to over 775,400 people. Responsable for the development, implemintation and success of the Disease Intervention Specialist Directly Observed Therapy (DIS DOT) protocal and procedure in Sedgwick County Kansas (2006 to present). 2004 - Present-- Associate member of the National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) for the state of Kansas.