Heather M. Brandt, MSPH, PhD

University of South Carolina
Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior
Arnold School of Public Health
800 Sumter Street, 312A
Columbia, SC
USA 29208
Email: hbrandt@sc.edu

Biographical Sketch:
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Promotion, Education & Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina (August 2007 – present) Research Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina, Arnold School of Public Health, Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Columbia SC (Located in the Cancer Prevention and Control Program) (October 2004 - August 2007) Current Research Projects: A Population-Based HPV Survey of Women in South Carolina (PI: Heather Brandt) Community-Based Colorectal Cancer Prevention in South Carolina: Formative Research and Intervention Development [P20RR17698; PI: Frank Berger, PL: Heather Brandt] Community Navigation for Colorectal Cancer Prevention and Control [6174-SP; PI: Heather Brandt] Factors influencing receipt of gynecological exams/Pap tests among sexual minority (non-heterosexual) women [Arnold SPH Seed Grant Program; PI: Lisa Lindley] A Feasibility Study of a South Carolina State Mammography Registry [SC Cancer Alliance; PI: Swann Arp Adams] A Population-Based HPV Survey of Women in South Carolina [R15CA125600; PI: Heather Brandt] South Carolina Cancer Disparities Community Network [U01CA114601; PIs: James Hebert, John Ureda] SCCDCN: HPV Vaccine Acceptability and Promotion in Faith-Based Settings [U01CA114601-03S4; PI: James Hebert, PL: Heather Brandt] Translating an Efficacious HPV Vaccine into the Control of Cervical Cancer [R03 CA130724; PI: Sharon Bond] Select Publications: Brandt HM, Sharpe PA, McCree DH, and Abbott JM. (In Review). Health professionals' discussions of HPV education and care to underserved women. Submitted to: Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. McCree DH, Sharpe PA, Brandt HM and Robertson R. (In Review). Women's Preferences for Sources of Information about Abnormal Pap Tests and HPV. Submitted to: Preventive Medicine Lindley L, Brandt H, Annang L, Barnett C, Hardin J, and Burcin M. Receipt of routine gynecological exams among sexually active female college students. Journal of Women’s Health. 2009; 18 (8): 1195-1200. Lindley L, Barnett C, Brandt H, Hardin J and Burcin M. STDs among sexually active female college students: Does sexual orientation make a difference? Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health; 2008; 40(4): 212-217. Brandt HM, McCree DH, Lindley LL, Sharpe PA, and Hutto B.(2005). A Formal Evaluation of Existing Printed HPV Educational Materials. Cancer Control Journal 12 (Supp 2), 103-106. Sharpe PA, Brandt HM, and McCree DH. (Accepted for Publication). Knowledge and beliefs about abnormal Pap test results and HPV among women with high-risk HPV: Results from in-depth interviews. Submitted to: Women and Health Brandt HM, Modayil MV, Daguise VG, Horner MJD, Pirisi-Creek LA, Mosley CM, Johnson MG, Mathur SP, and Hebert JR. (2005). Cervical cancer disparities in South Carolina: Early detection, special programs, descriptive epidemiology, and emerging directions. The eJournal of the South Carolina Medical Association 101(July), e195-e199. Brandt HM, and Sargent RG. (2002). Body weight changes in perimenopausal women. Healthy Weight Journal 16(3), 42-44.