Kelly Firenze, BS

New York State Department of Health
Bureau of STD Control & Prevention
Central NY Regional Office
217 S. Salina Street
Syracuse, NY
USA 13202

Biographical Sketch:
Kelly leads the NYS DOH Internet Partner Services Program (IPS), and has worked as a Disease Intervention Specialist (DIS) since 2005. As an Internet Partner Services Specialist, she has helped to write the NYS DOH IPS Guidelines, developed and conducted training sessions and several presentations for STD and HIV/DPO staff regarding IPS. She Co-Manages the National Internet Partner Services Group (NIPS) for national peer to peer support for IPS efforts. She presented an abstract/poster at the National STD Conference (‘08) regarding the impact of the internet of a syphilis outbreak, as well as a presentation about starting IPS in NYS for NASTAD’ s technical assistance training (’09). Kelly has been an ongoing resource for many project areas and other states with regards to IPS interventions.