University of South Florida
Department of Community and Family Health, College of Public Health
13201 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 56
Biographical Sketch:
2004-Present – PhD Candidate in Department of Anthropology, College of Arts & Sciences and MPH Student in Department of Community & Family Health, College of Public Health, University of South Florida
2007-Present – Graduate Research Assistant/Associate, Department of Community & Family Health , College of Public Health, University of South Florida
• ‘Cognitive and Emotional Responses to HPV in Men: The CER Study’ (NIH Grant #1R01 CA123346-01), National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health, under supervision of Dr. Ellen Daley.
• ‘Healthy Relationships – Extending the Reach: Survey of Life and Family (HER:SELF)’, under supervision of Dr. Stephanie Marhefka.
• ‘Analysis of Dependency Mediation in Florida Courts,’ funded by the Dispute Resolution Center of the Florida State Supreme Court, under supervision of Dr. Martha Coulter and Dr. Carla VandeWeerd, The Harrell Center for the Study of Family Violence.
• Proposal writing and preparation for ‘National Children’s Study,’ National Institutes of Health, under supervision of Dr. Julie Baldwin.
• ‘Finding Accurate Sexual Health Information on the Internet: An Observational Study,’ New Researcher Grant, under supervision of Dr. Eric Buhi.
Fuhrmann, H.J. & Buhi, E.R. (2009). Book Review: Masters and Johnson’s Sex Research and Sex Therapy Program: A Critical Appraisal from Down Under. Journal of Sex Research 17:1-3.
Buhi, E. R., Daley, E. M., Fuhrmann, H.J., Smith, S.A. (In press). An observational study of how young people search for online sexual health information. Journal of American College Health.
Buhi, E. R., Daley, E. M., Oberne, A., Smith, S. A., Schneider, T., Fuhrmann, H.J. (In review). Quality and accuracy of sexual health information websites visited by young people.
Several conference presentations on the topic of seuxal and reproductive health, including HPV.