Bulbul Aumakhan, MD, MPH, PhD

Johns Hopkins Univerisity
School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, STD Laboratory
530 Rangos Blgd
855 North Wolfe St
Baltimore, MD
USA 21205
Email: baumakh@jhsph.edu

Biographical Sketch:
June 2006 – till present External Investigator, Women’s Interagency HIV Study (WIHS), WIHS Data Management and Analysis Center (WDMAC), Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA; Lead investigator for approved by WIHS Executive Committee Proposal on investigating HSV-2 and HIV interaction in women (WIHS Concept Sheet #: W06025). Doctoral Proposal. June 2006 – till present Research Assistant, CDC Sponsored Study of Effectiveness of Web-based Home Test kit for Common STDs; June-July 2005 Research Assistant, NIMH Project ACCEPT A Phase III, Randomized Controlled Trial of Community Mobilization, Mobile Testing, Same Day Results and Post-Test Support for HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa and Thailand; Supervisor: David Celentano, Ph.D. Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA June 1994 – August 2001 General Practitioner, Central Military Hospital, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia  Addresses and contributes to the need of providing necessary evidence for the development of appropriate and efficient screening, diagnostic and treatment strategies of HSV-2 infections in the population  The study provides further support for epidemiologic synergy of HIV and HSV  Highlights the need for more coordinated and tailored to specific HSV-2 clinical phenotypes management of HSV-2 infections