Andrew De Los Reyes

Philadelphia Department of Public Health
STD Control Program
500 S Broad St
Philadelphia, PA
USA 19146

Biographical Sketch:
Assistant Program Manager - Special Projects (Public Health Advisor: GS-13) November 2008 - present Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Philadelphia Department of Public Health Assignee Reporting to the Program Director, Philadelphia Department of Public Health, STD Control Program • Authored Specimen Collection Policies and Procedures (oral fluid, venipuncture, and urine). • Evaluate contracted agencies conducting HIV and STD interventions for effectiveness of programs. • Provide technical assistance to STD Control Program and contracted agencies on streamlining programmatic processes and eliminating redundancies. • Develop efficient models for tracking and reporting of deliverables with contracted agencies. • Philadelphia Memberships – Syphilis Advisory Committee (Governmental Co-Chair), HIV Prevention Planning Group, Division of Disease Control Integration Workgroup, Gay and Lesbian Research Advisory Committee, and HIV Partner Services Workgroup. Monitor and evaluate the Philadelphia Department of Health STD Program (PDPH/STD) and its contracted agencies. Provide technical assistance regarding the development of budgets, program objectives, and work plans that support organizations implementing effective HIV and STD morbidity reduction interventions. Provide critical recommendations regarding contractor funding and sanctions. Supervise the Philadelphia High School Screening (gonorrhea and Chlamydia) Project and the PDPH/STD Treatment Verification team. Project Director (Senior Management Consultant) HIV Testing Expansion Initiative January 2007 - October 2008 New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation (NYCHHC) Reporting to the Director of HIV Services, NYCHHC • Directed the performance-based distribution of approximately $6mil USD across 17 facilities. • Authored poster presentation on HIV testing in Emergency Department settings. • Streamlined HIV testing reporting processes corporate-wide. • Coordinated annual fall conference on HIV Testing Expansion Initiative. • Oversee the management of New York City Council funds distributed on performance-based measures to four community-based organizations. • Member – NYCHHC Ethics Advisory Committee. Facilitated the expansion of HIV testing in new venues and through new processes with an emphasis on the adoption of rapid testing as a component of routine medical care for the largest municipal hospital system in the U.S. Identified strategies to exceed the goal of providing 150,000 unique HIV tests in fiscal year 2008 and developed formats for the collection of uniform data sets. Provided technical assistance to sites, providers, administrators, and staff in program design, program implementation, and grants management. Evaluated the progress of the initiative and wrote related narrative and statistical reports. Assisted in the planning and coordination of HIV-related corporatewide initiatives. Represented NYCHHC at city, state, and voluntary organizations on HIV-related matters.